Carbon2 Business
Holcim GmbH Germany
Cement & Lime
Alternative materials and more efficient processes
Calf-20 Metal-Organic Framework for Carbon Capture & Removal
Svante Technologies Inc. & George Shimizu, University of Calgary
Other Energy Intensive & Hard to Abate
Carbon capture & storage / utilisation
Building the Future of E-Waste Recycling To Accelerate Circular Green Metals
Mint Innovation, New Zealand
Cross Sector
Materials efficiency and industrial symbiosis
AHEAD (Advanced Heatpump Demonstrator)
Takeda Manufacturing Austria AG
Chemicals & Refining
Electrification of production and processes
Comprehensive utilization of industrial exhaust gas to yield high-valued chemicals
Tianjin University
The Fortera Redding ReCarb® Plant, Fortera
MCi Carbon Plant – Myrtle
MCi Carbon
World’s largest manufacturing plant for high-temperature electrolyzer technology
Low-carbon hydrogen
Advanced Carbon Capture for Steel Industries Integrated in CCUS Clusters (C4U)
Iron & Steel
CCUpScale. CO2 to value: Mineral Carbonation CCU upscaling & product validation
RHI Magnesita
Decarbonization of Anodizing Plant
Mäkelä Alu Oy
Alternative Materials & More Efficient Process
Hysata 5 MW Electrolyser Demonstration with Stanwell
Low Carbon Hydrogen
Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) Project
EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Recycling of Polystyrene
Materials Efficiency & Industrial Symbiosis
Rondo Heat Battery
Rondo Energy
Electrification of Production & Process
Harnessing Solar Radiation to Drive CO2-Free Clinker Manufacturing – SOLAR CLINKER
CEMEX & Synhelion
Fuel Switch / Alternative Fuels & Feedstocks
Steelanol: Converting Steel Mill Gas to Ethanol
ZESTY (Zero Emissions Steel Technology)
Maximise H2 Enrichment in Direct Reduction Shaft Furnaces (MaxH2DR)
Tata Steel
Low-carbon Hydrogen