Transforming hard-to-abate and energy intensive industrial sectors into net-zero industries is both crucial and time-sensitive. While new technologies need to be developed and scaled, it is equally important to establish robust policy frameworks and funding programs. To gain the trust of the public and industry, we must successfully perform and showcase demonstration projects.
Despite the challenges, our Net-Zero Industries Mission (NIM) co-leads and member countries have united to share their strategies and progress in achieving net-zero industries. The NIM Team extends its sincere gratitude for the collaboration and commitment to this goal.
As we embark on the critical mission of helping our industry sectors accelerate their investment in and adoption of decarbonisation technologies, we know that the sharing of experience, skills and above all
knowledge will be a primary enabler, to transfer the experience and trust generated in the initial technology demonstrations, to those who we all need to be fast followers.
This report will help both governmental and industrial stakeholders, to identify the progress being made by your peers in both technology projects and enabling support programs, and help you to identify the knowledge, contacts and relationships that will be essential in helping accelerate and de-risk your own
journey as a key stakeholder in this greatest of global challenges.