These members are Australia and Austria (Co-Leads of the Mission), Canada, China, European Commission, Finland, Germany, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom and the United States.
Their commitment to the Mission’s objectives is reflected in their agreement to the NetZero Industries Mission – Mission Statement and Action Plan.
A more detailed description of the Action Plan is reflected in the NIM Roadmap document.
The Net-Zero Industries Mission (NIM) is one of the 7 Missions the Mission Innovation (MI) initiative intends to deliver on. MI is a global initiative to catalyse action and investment in research, development and demonstration to make clean energy affordable, attractive and accessible to all this decade. NIM will focus on supporting the acceleration of adoption of cost competitive solutions in the hard-to-abate energy intensive industries worldwide by 2030.
The essential goal of the NIM is to catalyse the development and demonstration of cost competitive solutions for the efficient decarbonisation of hard to abate energy intensive industries worldwide by 2030. Targets/Milestones to achieve this goal include:
The Net-Zero Industries Mission (NIM) Missions bring together dynamic and delivery-focused high ambition alliances between countries, corporations, investors and research institutes that set global stretch goals and provide momentum to make sure more innovation happens, more rapidly.
Sharing knowledge and creating confidence in the use of innovative solutions will be key to the success of this mission. To this end, knowledge sharing both between pillars and externally with existing networks and platforms will create alignment and a coordinated effort to emission reductions.
Knowing that innovation will be most effective if countries are able to share some of the high development and investment risks the members of the mission aim to foster:
The focus is on R&D topics for TRL 1-9 (TRL low: 1-3, medium: 4-6, high: 7-9). The list is not a prioritisation, but a structured overview and framework for technology options in relevant sectors for the mission as well as supporting the identification of cross-cutting issues to other sectors than the prioritised ones.
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